Telegram is one of the best messaging apps in the present world right now for its different features. Telegram has become a very good choice for both official and nonofficial uses. Telegram has similarities with Facebook messenger and WhatsApp, but it has some differences too.
Telegram’s security, privacy, and encryption are a bit different from those messenger apps. Some people say that Telegram’s security is better than all, and some do not agree with that. Here in this article, I’ll try to explain how is Telegram’s security for its users.
How can you make the most of Telegram and secure your account so no one gets access to it? Especially some people may have some misconceptions about Telegram’s encryption settings. In the last heading of this article, I’ll clarify to you how Telegram’s end-to-end encryption works. And how you can enable it for your safety. So let’s begin the essay with Telegram’s Security Settings.
Telegram’s Security Settings
Telegram gives you three options in the security settings. Suppose you logged in through your mobile app. You can see there are three options under security and privacy. Those three options are blocking a user, enabling or disabling passcode or face ID, and enabling or disabling two-step verification.
These three option falls under the security settings of Telegram. If you accidentally leave your phone unlocked, you can enable the passcode or Face ID option in Telegram so no one can read your messages.
This can be a very good option to keep your essential chat safe from intruders. You can also enable two-step verification that will secure your account to the next level. Whenever you log in to your device, you’ll need a verification code that comes into your mobile number. It means that even if the hijacker gets your password, he can not log in to your account.
Telegram Privacy Settings
You do not want to share your information with more than 500 Million Telegram users. And that is why privacy settings are very much important. If you logged in through the app, and go to the privacy settings, you will see six options that are under privacy settings. Those six options are
- Your Phone Number
- Last Seen and Online
- Profile Photo
- Calls
- Forwarded Messages
- Groups and Channels
You can edit the settings of these six options from the Telegram app. There are options like nobody, everybody, and my contact. If you are too conscious about your privacy, you can edit these settings. For example, if you want nobody to call you on Telegram, select the option ‘nobody’ in the calls of privacy settings.
Telegram Encryption Settings
Here comes one of the most important parts of today’s article. Telegram does not allow users to have the end-to-end encrypted option as a default for their users. Having Telegram end-to-end encryption can increase the privacy of your information and chats.
Even this is the most important factor of a messaging app, according to the privacy of Telegram. They can have access to the metadata and even chats of not-enabled end-to-end encryption.
But the good news is you can enable end-to-end encryption settings for your Telegram. But the thing is, you can only enable end-to-end encryption for secret chats. That means while you are chatting under the secret chat option, you are in end-to-end encryption.
Telegram will not collect your data into their clouds or server now. Your chats in the secret chatting option will be saved under your phone’s storage, and while your account or app has been deleted, your data may get deleted too.
I hope now things are more clear to you about Telegram’s Security: privacy and Encryption. I have tried to explain all those things simply. Still, if you haven’t understood anything, please do not hesitate to leave a comment below.