Secret chats features in Telegram; let’s think about the privacy policy and security. Telegram is more secure than other messaging apps like WhatsApp and Facebook Messenger because this messaging app mainly focuses on speed and security. Secret chat is a unique feature in the Telegram messaging app that ensures more security and safety according to the company, and is backed by an additional privacy layer.

This whole article is all about the secret chats in the Telegram app. Continue reading to the main topic.

Secret Chats Features In Telegram

Secret chat is initially very different from regular Telegram chat just because of provides more options to keep your chat secret when you are talking to your friends or someone else. The Telegram team mainly wanted to provide a secure space for people to speak in confidence through this secret chatting option. This secret chat option is not part of the Telegram cloud because Telegram users can only access it on their origin devices.

The most needed information about the secret chat in Telegram that all the Telegram users need to know that no one can be able to forward messages in the secret chat option and also added that if any user takes any screenshots in the secret chat, then the recipient will be notified about it. Suppose any user deletes any message from the secret chat that will be deleted for both users.

Use Secret Chat On Telegram

Now time to start the secret chat option in Telegram. You must have to follow several steps to use the secret chat in Telegram. If you look for the processes for starting the secret chat in Telegram, you can see that these processes are about to same for iPhone and Android users. So, look for the following steps if you are interested in starting the secret chat option in Telegram.

At the first of this process, you need to enter the contact detail page to see the “Start Secret Chat” button. When you click on that button, it will take you to the second step. No, the next step is to the confirmation window to enter the telegram secret chat by simply clicking on the “Start” button. You can exit from the secret chat option by clicking on the cancel button only.

Now you have successfully entered the secret chat option in Telegram. You may have to wait for a while until your selected contact joins the secret chat option. You both can send and receive messages with high security. Just wait to enjoy this feature. That means a Telegram user can carry on two different conversations with the same person on Telegram. The first one is the default chat option, and another one is the secret chat option.

Exit From The Secret Chat

It is also so easy to exit from the secret chat option like entering this option. You can come out from the secret chat option and delete all of the data from this secret chat option. You all should have the same question, and that is how you could come out or delete the secret chat option. Yes, of course, there is a way to clear the secret chat option on Telegram.

The only way to come out from the secret chat option or clear data from the secret chat option is to delete the secret conversation. You will need to go to the conversations view in Telegram and swipe left on the conversation if you are an iPhone user.

If you want to enable a secret chat feature on your Telegram desktop; then you should install Telegram’s proxy Unigram  

Secret Chats Features In Telegram desktop

Secret Chats Features In Telegram desktop

Installing Unigram will enable you to have the Secret Chat feature on your Telegram desktop.

Differences Between Normal Chat and Secret Chat

There are some differences between the usual chat and the secret chat on Telegram. The most crucial difference between these two is the default chat, and the secret chat on Telegram is the way they are encrypted.

The messages from the secret chat option are client-to-client encrypted. There the regular or default chat option is client-to-server or server-to-client. These messages of regular chat options also can be encrypted into the Telegram cloud. So, it is clear that the secret message will appear only for the sender and receiver.

Do you guys have any problems or hesitation in the reading period? I think it shouldn’t. Because here all the information is decorated nicely. However if you have any questions about the secret chat in Telegram, you can ask it by adding a little comment in the following comment box. Please stay connected with our site and enjoy the daily updates.