How to host a voice chat in your Telegram channel? If you have asked this question; you may find the best answer to your question here. Telegram is a messaging app that doesn’t allow voice chats. But, recently it had added the voice chat option in their Telegram channel. Telegram by updating the app version 7.6. It started the voice chat journey in the last of 2020.
I know still there has so many Telegram users who don’t know how to host a voice chat on the Telegram channel. But there has nothing to worry about also. Because I will be beside you in this whole article and provide a brief discussion for hosting a voice chat in your Telegram channel, so keep reading.
Telegram Voice Chat Feature
Voice Chat is one of the most popular features of telegram. When this voice chat officially appeared, it added a new dimension of live talk to Telegram groups. Not only in groups but also this voice chat is available in the telegram channels.
Telegram Channel Voice Chat
Here you also don’t find any more limits on the number of participants. Telegram also updated and brought recordable voice chats, rich lists of participants, raise hand mechanics, invite links for speakers and listeners, voice chat titles, and a way for the common users.
Host A Voice Chat In Your Telegram Channel
Any telegram user can host a voice chat in the telegram group and channel. This feature was only added with Telegram beta 7.6. But, in December 2020, Telegram had officially added the voice chat option in the telegram groups and channels so that you can use the voice chat feature in the telegram if you are using v7.6 or higher.
Steps For Starting Voice Chat
Naturally, you have to open your v7.6 updated telegram app for hosting a voice chat in the telegram channel and navigate to the channel or group where you wish to start a voice chat. You will notice your group or channel. Here tap on the group or chat at the top. After that, tap on the three-dot option in the right corner. After clicking on this option, you will get the main button, “Start Voice Chat.” Just tap on it.
Now it is time to select the account you wish to represent yourself in the voice chat. You can tap to choose whether you want to be displayed as your account or as your channel. The most needed information about the channel is that the voice chat will only be available for users with multiple Telegram channels or groups. Then have a look below and tap on “Continue as XXX” after making your decision.
I think now you are ready to start a video chat in your Telegram groups or channels. Basically, the processes are pretty simple, and anyone can start up a voice chat in Telegram after looking in this article whenever I tried to add all the needed information for hosting a voice chat in a group or channel. After all, if you have any complaints about this article, don’t forget to inform us by adding your comment in the comment box below.