Telegram ads have unveiled a new horizon in the Telegram platform. It enables a person or organization to show ads on different channels and groups and, provides an opportunity for the users who took their time to build a supergroup or channel that has a massive number of members. Telegram also shares a percentage of the ads’ income with the group or channel owners. So, now you can also earn from Telegram through ads.
What Are Telegram Ads?
Telegram advertising is useful, personal, and secure, and rewards content creators fairly. The ads can be video content or can also be banner ads like websites. Telegram ads are not disturbing like meta platforms or Google ads and Telegram doesn’t collect any personal user data to show these ads.
Telegram shows specific ads depending on the channel or group niches. Telegram shows ads only on supergroups and channels that have thousands of subscribers. Telegram doesn’t show any ads on personal chats.
On the earlier launching of the Telegram Ads platform; there was a need for a massive budget to show ads. At that time, the budget was at least 2 million euros. Compared to before, the amount of budget has decreased a lot. You can only start advertising with one Toncoin. So you don’t need to go to an agency to manage your Telegram ads anymore.
Telegram enables users to change their ads and budgets any time they want. The channel and group owners of Telegram earn 50% of the money from the ads shown on their channels, which is the best deal you can find on any social media platform.
How to Create Telegram Ads
Learning how to create Telegram ads will take some time and also you will need to follow some steps. to create an effective Telegram ad; you will need to research your targeted audiences, and the type of content, and use the features of Telegram to maximize your Telegram ads’ potentiality. You can also create an ad to earn from telegram channels or groups.
Follow these steps to better understand Telegram Ads;
1. Sign In To Telegram
First, you need to sign in to Telegram:
- Go to the Telegram Ads website.
- Enter your Telegram phone number to log in with your Telegram account.
- Enter the verification code to confirm your sign-in to the platform.
- You can create a personal or an organization-based account to publish ads on different groups or channels.
2. Create Your Telegram Ads Based on Telegram Guidelines
To access ads on Telegram concerns follow specific guidelines to ensure that your ads are appropriate and engaging:
- Ad Format Of Telegram: The ad must be a brief 160-character text with a clear call-to-action button linked to your destination to attract user interest.
- Text Editorial: Your advertisement must be clear, free of profanity, and use proper spelling and grammar to effectively convey your message.
- Format of Links: Include only permitted links in your ad that direct users to Telegram channels, bots, or specific posts. External links are not allowed.
- Landing Page Required: Please make sure the destination, such as a Telegram channel or bot, is active and provides a good user experience. It should have a profile picture and a filled-out description in the ‘about’ section to appear credible to potential users.
- Warnings: Avoid sharing violent, sexually explicit, deceptive, or copyright-infringing content. Also, refrain from promoting gambling, drugs, or any illegal or harmful material.
3. Cost-Per-Mile (CPM) Setup on Telegram ads
Remember to set the CPM for your ad, which stands for cost per mille, or cost per thousand views. While the minimum CPM on Telegram is 0.1 Toncoin, initially covering 1,000 impressions, actual CPM rates may increase based on the popularity of the selected channel and the competition for ad space.
Calculate Your Ad Costs: Select your advertising production costs, including content creation and any associated fees. Take into account any additional expenses, such as platform fees or influencer partnerships.
Set Your CPM: Founded on your audience analysis and cost calculations set a competitive CPM rate.
Confirm the rate aligns with your advertising goals and budget. Let’s say, your analysis shows a market CPM of $5-$15 for similar channels. Based on your audience size, engagement, and content quality, you decide to set your CPM at $10.
- Audience Size: 50,000 subscribers
- Estimated Impressions per Ad: 20,000
- Cost for Advertiser: (20,000 / 1,000) * $10 = $200
4. Choose Telegram Channels to show Telegram ads
Select a channel Where your effective ad will be shown.
- You can search for Telegram channels that align with your target audience’s interests and statistics.
- Use Telegram’s search function or external directories like Telegram Channels, Telegram Group, or TLGRM to find relevant channels.
- Confirm the channel has a better reputation and isn’t filled with spam or low-quality content.
- Look for event posting and active moderation.
Telegram Ads Budget And Management
To manage your budget and ads on the Telegram Ads platform; it’s very important to optimize your campaigns and achieve better results. Here’s how to manage your funds, edit your ads, control multiple accounts, and understand metrics.
Add Funds to Telegram ad account: To promote an ad on Telegram, you must have a minimum budget of 0.1 toncoin. To raise funds for your advertising campaign on Telegram, follow these steps:
- Log into your Telegram Ads account.
- Navigate to the ‘Manage Budget’ section.
- Click on ‘Add Funds’.
- Choose your preferred payment method and enter the amount you want to add.
- Follow the on-screen instructions to complete the transaction.
no more you can read more about this by going through this article, How To Add Fund To Your Telegram Ad Account
Edit Your Telegram Ads: Once your ad is completed, you might need to make adjustments. Following the procedures below; you can edit your Telegram Ads.
- Go to your Telegram and select Ads dashboard.
- Find the ad you want to edit and select it.
- You can change the ad’s text, links, and CPM, but remember that targeting parameters cannot be changed once the ad is created.
- save the updates to ensure the modifications are applied; after making the necessary changes.
Editing your ads enables you to perfect your message or adapt to changes in your marketing strategy as you analyze results or alter directions.
Monetize With Telegram ads
Earning money through your Telegram channel is becoming easier and more effective. Tools like InviteMember enable owners of private groups or channels to earn money through subscriptions. Meanwhile, Telegram continues to add features that assist owners of large public channels in monetizing.
This section will recommend how to use Telegram Ads to start generating revenue from your public channel.
How to Participate in Telegram Ads
If you want to earn money from Telegram ads, You need to:
- Confirm your effective channel, then you need at least 1,000 subscribers.
- To allow ads to appear on your channel, go to your channel settings and select “Monetization.” Then, opt-in to display ads.
- Ads will automatically start appearing in your channel based on their relevance to your content and audience.
Why is Telegram Ads a Good Platform
Telegram ads contrast from those on other platforms because they:
- arrive only in large public channels.
- Do not interfere with personal chats or other private areas of the app.
- Support the channel owners directly, contributing to a tolerable model of content creation.
For users who prefer an ad-free experience, Telegram offers the option to subscribe to Telegram Premium. This not only removes ads but also unlocks a host of exclusive features.