Among Telegram’s many features, Telegram Fonts are a game changer for many. As business-like as it is, Telegram with this option shares with us a new style in our chats, those who use it for family and friends would love Telegram Fonts very much for its newfound versatility. Not to mention, as it has already come out, we can look to the future for many new updates regarding this feature.
With the increase in Telegram users, these updates work towards building such a large user base. The features that Telegram gives us are always fun to try out. So Telegram fonts should also be a fun one to try.
In this article, I will show you the full process of changing text style in conversation on Telegram. It is really important to highlight some points of your text with styles, as it can be difficult to understand at first. So I’m here with a full step-by-step process.
Change Font, Strikethrough, Bold, Italic In Telegram Conversation
There are many ways one can change the font style while chatting with someone on Telegram. You can change your font via a bot or by using a third-party keyboard or even with symbols, and so on. I’ll show you the easiest way to change font style in Telegram.
The way that can be followed so easily. I will show you how to change the normal text to bold, italic, and strikethrough. The process is easier than you think. So let’s start.
To change your normal font into bold text. You have to type **yourtext**, and that’s it. After sending it, it will become a bold text in Telegram. Just like the following image:

Telegram Fonts

Telegram Fonts
To change your normal font into an italic font. You have to type _ this symbol twice, like this __YourText__. Give you an example with a screenshot in the following. So it will be more straightforward for you.

And lastly, to strikethrough your text. You have to type ~~YourText~~ and then send it. Your text will automatically be transformed into a strikethrough in the Telegram conversation. Let me give you an example with a screenshot of the following :
Another Easy Way to Telegram Fonts
If you think the process I’ve already explained is hard for you. Then I have an easier way to change text or font style in Telegram. This process is much easier and does not need any symbols or bots.
You have to type text and select specific options to change your font. Here in the following, I’m giving you the full tutorial to change the font style in Telegram in an easier way.
After typing a sentence in the text box of Telegram, you have to select all the text you want to change or transform. After selecting sentences or words, you will have options like these screenshots.
Here you can choose the bold choice. The purple rounded menu has other styling options too. Just like the following image here:

After clicking on that option, your text in the text box will automatically be changed into the font you wanted. Thus, you can change your font in Telegram with these easy steps. That the start and end of, it may be a little out of hand at first, but with time, using this feature would be the easiest thing for you all who use Telegram on a daily basis.
I hope the process I’ve shown to you is easy. And both of the processes to change the text in Telegram are easy. You can follow any of these methods you want.
Still, if you are facing trouble changing font styles in the Telegram conversation, please let us know. And if you can change it, say thank you as a reply. It will motivate me to write more helpful content.