Telegram X for iOS is not the best option now. It’s long past news that Telegram X for iOS has been replaced with the older objective-C-based client of Telegram. If the users are looking for a better service option, then switching to the original full version would be the best, published in (October 2018) @Telegram.
But the question is why? So, now it’s time to know more about the Telegram X version that was built for iOS phones. Though Telegram made it easier to use, after some time why did they discourage iOS users from using Telegram X Let’s continue reading and learn more elaborately about Telegram X for iOS.
Telegram X For iOS
Telegram X was an experimental version of Telegram that was built for easier use, fast messaging, and slicker animations. Well, it served its purpose. But in time beings, Telegram stopped the project of the Telegram X version for the iOS, and they announced that it replaced the older Objective-C-based client.
The Telegram X version of iOS was much lighter, faster, and overall battery efficient for phone users than the original app. The app was fully written in Swift. Now let me give you a short description of the app. After that, we will talk about, which reason Telegram X for iOS is not the better option now.
A Short Description Of Telegram X For iOS
In the upper paragraphs, I have talked much about the position and situation of Telegram X but not about the features that are included in Telegram X. So, now in this short description, I’m going to talk about the features of Telegram X.
The Highlighted Features Of Telegram X:
- Call and chat filter
- Availability of disabling the cloud mode of reading “bubble mode”
- Exceptional design and has the option of changing themes (Day Classic, Day, Night, Night Blue). The animations and gifs are displayed without a signature.
- Set Fonts in chat windows.
- Battery Saver Mode and Data Saving mode (turning the system on will stop the background backup downloading system of Telegram).
- Forward messages with right finger motion and reply to any dialogue with left finger motion.
- Preview the channel information on the instant chat window.
- Select a proxy for a secure connection and you can choose at your will.
So these are all the highlighted features of Telegram X for iOS. And, most of these features are now available on the full version of Telegram for iOS. However some features of telegram X were only available on the version that is still not present in the full version.
Like, you still have to long push a dialogue from any chat to forward the messages. And you can not preview any channel information while you are chatting on the window.
Why Telegram X Is Not Available On Apple Appstore?
Well, It’s not new news that Telegram and Telegram X both apps were temporarily removed from the Apple AppStore and showed the reason that Telegram and Telegram X are inappropriate apps for their users.
And, it was known by the current CEO of Telegram Pavel Durov; and he tweeted that on his Twitter. Take look at the image below.
And on Feb 1, 2018, both Telegram and Telegram X for iOS were removed from Apple AppStore. And if you are questioning then when Telegram came back to Appstore? Well, the answer is in Pavel Durov’s 2nd Tweet of the day. look at the picture below.
So, only for 7 hours Telegram was removed from Apple Appstore. And If you are questioning what about Telegram X for iOs then? well, for that Telegram confirmed that the systems and the feature that they included on Telegram X for iOS were finally combined with the main Telegram app for iOS. So, there is no need for another app for Telegram iOS.
Thus the features of Telegram X for iOS are thoroughly present with the main Telegram app for iOS. And all the features were made available in the main Telegram App for iOS.
So, that is all to say about Telegram X for iOS. If you are interested in reading more articles about telegram or Telegram features you can read them here at Thank you for reading this article.