How To

How To Transfer Telegram Channel or Group Ownership

Transfer Telegram channel or group ownership at your will by going through the processes. Telegram is a social messaging app like Whatsapp or Facebook Messenger. Besides the messaging facility, Telegram is successfully running with so many unique features. Telegram group and telegram channel are the best examples of these unique features.

Any Telegram user can easily maintain any group and channel in telegram. But do you know that any telegram group or channel owner can transfer telegram channel or group ownership to others? Here, you will learn how to transfer telegram channel or group ownership in this article.

Transfer Telegram Channel or Group Ownership

Telegram is one of the most popular social messaging applications in the technological community. The powerful servers and high security of Telegram have created this huge popularity. This huge number of users creates conversation, media sharing, tech help, news-related groups, and channels.

Say, if you have created a Telegram channel and want to transfer channel ownership to someone else, here is the thing you need to do to complete the process.

There is a complication for a telegram group or channel when you transfer ownership for the Telegram channel and Telegram group. Keep scrolling if you want to transfer telegram channel or group ownership.

Prerequisite Of Telegram Group/Channel Transferring

You must follow some prerequisites to transfer your telegram group or telegram channel. First, transferring a telegram group or channel ownership to another is straightforward if you have enabled ‘Two-Factor Authentication” already.

You will have to wait for at least 7 days for authentication if the ‘Two-Factor Authentication” is disabled to complete the process. Follow the following instruction to enable the authentication:

Settings → Privacy and Security → Two-Step verification

Finally, you also have to be logged in to the telegram app for more than 24 hours.

Steps for Transfering Telegram Channel

The main steps started to transfer the telegram group or channel ownership to another telegram user. You must obey some necessary steps to transfer the telegram group or channel ownership.

I know you had entered this page to know how to transfer telegram channel or group ownership. So let’s get started with the accurate steps to transfer the telegram channel or group ownership.

  1. First, you will need to open the telegram application and tap on the ‘Channel’ to transfer the ownership.
  2. Now time to tap the name and select the ‘Edit’ (pencil icon) in the top right corner when you are in the channel.
  3. After the previous step, you will have to go to Administrators from the channel and then enter the Add Admins.
  4. In the fourth step, you may choose the member to transfer the ‘Channel’ ownership to Telegram.
  5. Now you should enable the “Add New Admins” toggle. Then you can notice an option that is “Transfer Channel Ownership” right below.
  6. Tap on the “Change Owner” and enter your Two-Step Verification password and click the “Tick” icon on the top right.

Steps for Transfering Telegram Channel

It’s done! You have successfully transferred the ownership of your telegram group or telegram channel to another user. Here I have shown the steps for transferring the ownership of a telegram channel.

If you want to transfer the ownership of your telegram group, you will have to follow the following steps. These steps are likely similar to what you had done before for the telegram channel.

  1. First, you will need to open the telegram application on your device and tap on the ‘Group’ to transfer the ownership.
  2. Now tap the name and select the ‘Edit’ (pencil icon) in the top right corner when you are in the group.
  3. After the previous step, you will have to go to Administrators from the channel and then enter the Add Admins.
  4. Now it is also time to choose the member you want to transfer the ‘Group’ ownership in Telegram.
  5. After that, you should enable the “Add New Admins” toggle. Then you can notice an option that is “Transfer Group Ownership” right below.
  6. Tap on the “Change Owner” and enter your Two-Step Verification password and click the “Tick” icon on the top right.

Now you learned the processes to transfer the ownership of the telegram group also. I think all the steps are clear to you guys. Here I tried to add all the accurate information to transfer the telegram group and channel.

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